Jardin de Milagros
(Garden of Miracles)
Jardin de Milagros (JDM) is a non-profit organization which raises fresh vegetables to help feed the Food Insecure in El Paso, Texas. Our main mission is to help our neighbors via healthy nutritious farm fresh vegetables. The farm is located in New Mexico, just south of La Union, NM, and west of Canutillo, TX. Approximately 3 acres of land are under cultivation for raising fresh vegetables. In addition to helping feed the hungry, an educational component is furnished. Several youth groups come to the farm to assist and learn about food production and this experience is important for our youth to understand. Volunteers are critical to the success of JDM and include individuals, pre-school, elementary, mid-high and high school students, university groups, religious organizations, businesses, and public and civic groups. The food harvested is all donated, primarily to Kelly Memorial Food Pantry—one of the largest food pantries in El Paso. During the summer growing season, vegetable picking occurs daily. During the cooler weather periods, picking slows substantially and more focus is placed on field preparation for the next summer season.

Status Report—October 23, 2019
Greetings from the Farm. Finally we have received cooler weather! In fact, there may be some frost here tomorrow morning, although we hope not. There are still a few summer crops producing: Chilies, Jalapenos, Bell Peppers, Eggplants, Sweet Potatoes and Beets, but they will stop growing with the first frost. We always wait for the first frost before beginning to dig up the sweet potatoes--harvest of the sweet potatoes is spread over November and December. This is akin to a subterranean easter-egg hunt and is great fun for youngsters and families. Also, gleaning of our neighbors pumpkin patch will begin on Monday November 4th. We hope to harvest in excess of 50,000 lbs of pumpkins and this will require much volunteer labor to accomplish. So, give us a call and give us a hand!
Our winter hardy crops are growing already (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, Chinese cabbage and Swiss Chard) or have been seeded in flats for transplanting in a month or so (Pak Choi, Kale, Garlic, Onions, Collards, Lettuce varieties, Leeks) or will be seeded in field rows for germination (radishes, turnips,rutabagas, kohlrabi, parsnips, carrots, and sugar beets).
We have been removing the summer crop dead plants out of the fields to make way for winter crops and field prep for next year--2020. Winterizing our equipment also happens now along with routine annual maintenance on the tractors, rototillers, and other mechanical equipment. We have recently added a couple of pieces of equipment to our inventory: an Isuzu Box truck for delivering up to 7,000 lbs of produce in one trip; and a new Barreto CMS (Chipper, Mulcher, Shredder).
Our total pounds of produce so far in 2019 is over 40,000 lbs. If we add the gleaned produce received so far in 2019, the total comes to over 48,000 lbs. While this is a lot, it is about 1/2 of what we expected to have at this time.
We have had several volunteer groups over the last month and more are scheduled. If you or your group would like to come out and help, please give us a call or send a text to 915-867-3371. J&S Hobson

Get to know the farmers
Suzanne (Susie) Hobson
Susie grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She graduated from Highland High School. She received a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Mathematics from the University of New Mexico. She taught in the El Paso, Texas, public schools. Susie and Jerry have three children: David, Laura and Jennifer. She and Jerry live on a farm near La Union/Anthony, New Mexico, and grow vegetables for a local food pantry. She is a member of P.E.O., the Woman’s Club of El Paso, Bridges Academy Board, and the El Paso Panhellenic Association (affiliate of Alpha Chi Omega sorority). Susie is an active member in the University Presbyterian Church of El Paso.
Jerald (Jerry) Hobson
Jerry was born in El Paso, TX and grew up on a farm south of La Union, NM (20 miles from El Paso, TX). Jerry graduated from Gadsden High School, Anthony, NM and then attended the Univ. of New Mexico, where he met Susie and was married. After graduating with a BS in Chemical Engineering, he went to work for Chevron Oil Company. Four years later, Jerry went to work for El Paso Natural Gas Company in the Engineering Department and eventually wound up in Washington DC in the El Paso Company (EPNG parent) office, working with the regulatory agencies and with the US Congress. In 1982, Jerry and family moved back to El Paso, where he went to work for James, Cooke & Hobson—an engineered equipment sales company. Jerry retired 27 years later as Vice President and part owner of James, Cooke & Hobson. Since retirement, Jerry and his wife Susie, have been operating a 3 acre garden, the produce of which is donated to hungry people in El Paso, TX. Jerry continues to work on a water project in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa and has made 6 trips to DRC. Jerry is an active member in the University Presbyterian Church of El Paso.